1-- The number of times I had to tell Caleb to get out of bed this morning (he was good today),
2--the number of times I asked him if he brushed his teeth.
3--the number of times i walked into the kitchen this morning to get something and then forgot what I was there for.
4--the number of clothes that Jeff had hung on the bed post (which he KNOWS annoys me!)
5-- the number of times I was walked in on in the bathroom today by children who know how to unlock the door. (yep, that was everytime i went)
7--the number of lysol wipes I used to clean the bathroom.
8--the age of Caleb who is growing up too fast.
14- the number of shoes I'v picked up and put in the closet (so far today)
3--the number of times I was told today "I love you"
25-- the number of clothes I put in my first load of laundry for today.
4--the number of times I found paper cut up and left on the floor, table, etc. (Martie has an addiction to using her little kid blunt scissors to cut up everything in sight) I know I should take the scissors away but she cuts something, then hides the scissors, so I never know where they are.
50--the number of times I wished I lived closer to my parents.
10-the number of times I thought about exercising (and didn't)
6- the number of raisins I picked up off the floor after my kids ate raisin bread.
1,000,000-- the number of times today that I thought I wouldn't change my life for the world.
Who taught you how to count?
Well, I couldn't go in order because there wasn't things for every number...I wondered if anyone would pick up on that.
I thought it was great you got to 8! And then added more great stuff anyway! And I love your great attitude...!
(3- the number of times I wrote that word that starts with a 'g')
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